Digital Download available from here https://pauliebignell.bandcamp.com/album/express-elevator
Paulie began writing material for his third album and decided to let his eclecticism off the chain. No genre was sacred as Paulie dives headlong into greasy funk (Boots On), 80s Power Pop (Colour Of Hurt), Southern Soul (Happy Town), a love of Chuck Berry (Eight Tracks And Cadillacs), wigged-out Doo Wop (Only You), some all- tension- and- no- release Blues Rock (Driving All Night), the best song Jagger & Richards never wrote (Express Elevator) and the low down shuffle grover (Crawling Home) Dig deeper into the Bignell oeuvre and his tangled root system of Rockabilly, Country, soulful R&B and flat-out Rock n Roll becomes apparent.
In the beginning, Paulie carved out a reputation with his guitar but now it’s his voice and songwriting that continually carries the best of his solo output. Nonetheless, the guitar is still an integral part of what he does and is. As a guitar slinger who favours toughness over technique, Paulie’s signature style is a witches’ brew of non-linear influences.
A singer/guitarist who hears sounds as opposed to formulas, Paulie may be a Bluesman at heart but he’s not chained to the Blues. In Paulie’s headspace, Blues is a form of self-expression and that allows him to roam all over the psychic roadmap.
All of these untamed riffs and grooves were workshopped, recorded and mixed in Paulie’s home studio, Hailstone, which often functions as a safe haven for many of Melbourne’s Blues & Roots practitioners. That’s much to do with Paulie’s sharp ears and an innate talent to capture lightning in a bottle – as a producer and an engineer; he’s all about the substance rather than the superficial.
Take a tip from Slim Harpo- the music’s hot.
Michael M

1. Funk In Your Trunk (P. Bignell) 3.27
2. Rock ‘N’ Roll Outlaw (Anderson/Wells/Cocks/Royall/Leech) 3.33
3. Gonna Get You (P. Bignell) 3.44
Digital Download availble from here https://pauliebignell.bandcamp.com/album/grasiento

When it came to naming this album, the title wasn’t sticking out. We could have used a title track but I wanted to be sure it was doing justice to the rest of the songs and the album. I wanted to describe the vibe of the album and the ride we take you, the listener on. A ride it is…
Lost and Dangerous is a collection of 14 tracks where we shift you through the gears for the twists and turns and bumps and berms. Rock’n’Roll’n’Blues from the suburbs! Digital Download available from here https://pauliebignell.bandcamp.com/album/lost-and-dangerous-2

Nazareth cover – “LITTLE PART OF YOU” Available for instant download for only $2 on the button below.
[paypal_for_digital_goods name=”Little Part Of You” price=”2″ url=”https://pauliebignell.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/PaulieBignell-Nazareth-Little-Part-Of-You-21Oct2020.wav”]
‘ALL DAY’- a groovy shuffle written and performed by Paulie Bignell at Hailstone Studio during the Iso’ Sessions 2020. Available for instant download for only $2 on the button below.
[paypal_for_digital_goods name=”All Day” price=”2″ url=”https://pauliebignell.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/PB-AllDay-22Mar2020.wav”]
‘YOU GOT ME GOING’- by Gilbert O’Sullivan was recorded for some of my Mexican DJ friends and I recorded two versions. This is the version they knocked back. So here you go, version 1, the version Taree likes! Available for instant download for only $2 on the button below.
[paypal_for_digital_goods name=”You Got Me Going” price=”2″ url=”https://pauliebignell.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/PaulieBignell-YouGotMeGoing-V1-2.wav”]
Paulie Bignell’s Sad But True began life one grey Saturday afternoon as an all tension and no release guitar – drenched instrumental. Think of The Ventures and Link Wray hooking up for clandestine, late night sessions at Hailstone. Sad But True – Blues from the lockdown and borne out of isolation. Listen up people.Available for instant download for only $2 on the button below.
[paypal_for_digital_goods name=”Sad But True” price=”2″ url=”https://pauliebignell.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/PB-SadButTrue-Instro-27Apr2020.wav”]
Track two from the Paulie Bignell Iso’ Sessions…’LONELY’. A rockin’ shuffle for groovers with hints of boogie and funk and some stinging slide guitar. Mastered by Robert B Dillon, thanks RBD! Available for instant download for only $2 on the button below.
[paypal_for_digital_goods name=”Lonely” price=”2″ url=”https://pauliebignell.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Paulie-Bignell-Lonely.wav”]
Here’s the first track with a late night/early morning clip PB assembled.
Get It Right…Paulie Bignell, from the ‘Iso’ Sessions’.
Let’s hope they do! Available for instant $2 download on the button below
From the upcoming Paulie Bignell & The Thornbury Two Album coming soon. Buy digital single ‘Happy Town’ now for only $2 on the button below.
From the upcoming Paulie Bignell & The Thornbury Two Album coming soon. Buy digital single ‘Happy Town’ now for only $2 on the button below.
[paypal_for_digital_goods name=”Happy Town” price=”2″ url=”https://pauliebignell.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Happy-Town-Paulie-Bignell-The-Thornbury-Two.wav”]